Home Care Kit - Supporting Healthy Immunity
to Oct 31

Home Care Kit - Supporting Healthy Immunity

This two-part online workshop offers a plan towards preventative healthcare and the treatment of illness with self-managed at-home care, and professional anthroposophic therapies.

Health and illness will be discussed from the anthroposophic point of view. This will include constitutional types and the strengthening effect of the immune system on overall health.

Participant numbers are limited to enable questions and interaction and to build confidence in applying at-home care for current needs.

To meet demand, the workshop has been offered a number of times recently and all are now full. More workshops will occur in 2022 and will be announced to all those on the mailing list.

The workshop is by donation; contributions will be used to support future community events by Developing the Self Developing the World.

Home care kit contents will be available for purchase.

Workshop facilitators:

Louise Stewart is a homeopath prescribing anthroposophic remedies, and an oil dispersion bath therapist.
Lyn Clifton is a community health social worker prescribing hygienic anthroposophic care for daily life, and providing health and wellbeing supports including compresses, hydrotherapy and rhythmical embrocations.

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"Living Inner Development" - Study group Bellingen
6:00 PM18:00

"Living Inner Development" - Study group Bellingen

You are warmly welcome to join a study group based in Bellingen, NSW

The group read and discuss the book Living Inner Development; the necessity of true inner development in the light of anthroposophy by Lisa Romero

Books are available for purchase at the meeting or online.

Meetings are held from 7 to 8pm on the last Monday of the month throughout the year

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"Developing the Self" Study Group SA
3:15 PM15:15

"Developing the Self" Study Group SA

You are warmly welcome to join a study group based in Willunga South Australia.

The group begin with the eurythmy sequences 'I A O' and 'I Think Speech' and read and discuss the book 'Developing the Self: Through the Inner Work Path in the Light of Anthroposophy' by Lisa Romero.

Books are available for purchase at the meeting or online.

Meetings are held on the fourth Monday of the month throughout the year. The dates remaining for 2021 are:

September 27
October 25
November 22

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Home Care Kit - Supporting Healthy Immunity
to Oct 24

Home Care Kit - Supporting Healthy Immunity

This two-part online workshop offers a plan towards preventative healthcare and the treatment of illness with self-managed at-home care, and professional anthroposophic therapies.

Health and illness will be discussed from the anthroposophic point of view. This will include constitutional types and the strengthening effect of the immune system on overall health.

Participant numbers are limited to enable questions and interaction and to build confidence in applying at-home care for current needs. To meet the demand the workshop is being offered a number of times.

Part 1 is a Saturday evening, Part 2 is the following Sunday Morning.

The workshop is by donation; contributions will be used to support future community events by Developing the Self Developing the World.

Home care kit contents will be available for purchase.

Workshop facilitators:

Louise Stewart is a homeopath prescribing anthroposophic remedies, and an oil dispersion bath therapist.
Lyn Clifton is a community health social worker prescribing hygienic anthroposophic care for daily life, and providing health and wellbeing supports including compresses, hydrotherapy and rhythmical embrocations.

Community Event Registration

    Care Kit Workshop - Supporting Healthy Immunity

    All profits from community workshops support young people accessing the Y Project and other community iniativies of Developing the Self Developing the World

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    Freshwater Creek - Supporting 12 year olds
    7:00 PM19:00

    Freshwater Creek - Supporting 12 year olds

    • Freshwater Creek Steiner School (map)
    • Google Calendar ICS

    Supporting 12 year olds as they meet the physical and emotional changes of childhood. How we as a community of interested adults can support them in a way that not only affects them now but into their adulthood too!

    Melanie Deefholts has been working with Freshwater Creek Steiner School for 5 years. Melanie Deefholts has been supporting parents and teachers in various schools through adult education for the past 12 years. She specialises in understanding child development through observations of daily life and how to work with this in a living way within the home and the classroom She works with parents as well as teachers in private and group education and also works directly with young adults as a facilitator of the Social Understanding, Gender and Sexuality program for Developing the Self Developing the World. Melanie regularly works in various Waldorf Schools in Bellingen, Armidale, Byron Bay, Mullumbimby, Geelong and a number of Victorian Schools.

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    "Sex Education and The Spirit" - Study group Rainbow Ridge NSW
    2:30 PM14:30

    "Sex Education and The Spirit" - Study group Rainbow Ridge NSW

    • Rainbow Ridge Steiner School (map)
    • Google Calendar ICS

    You are warmly welcome to join a study group based in the Lismore Shire of NSW

    The group read and discuss the book Sex Education and the Spirit; understanding of communal responsibility for the healthy development of gender and sexuality within society by Lisa Romero and also work with the Six Basic Exercises given by Rudolf Steiner.

    Books are available for purchase at the meeting or online.

    Meetings are held from 3:30pm to 4:30pm on the third Wednesday of the month throughout school terms.

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    Home Care Kit - Supporting Healthy Immunity
    to Oct 17

    Home Care Kit - Supporting Healthy Immunity

    This two-part online workshop offers a plan towards preventative healthcare and the treatment of illness with self-managed at-home care, and professional anthroposophic therapies.

    Health and illness will be discussed from the anthroposophic point of view. This will include constitutional types and the strengthening effect of the immune system on overall health.

    Participant numbers are limited to enable questions and interaction and to build confidence in applying at-home care for current needs. Part 1 is a Saturday evening, Part 2 is the following Sunday Morning.

    The workshop is by donation; contributions will be used to support future community events by Developing the Self Developing the World.

    Home care kit contents will be available for purchase.

    Workshop facilitators:

    Louise Stewart is a homeopath prescribing anthroposophic remedies, and an oil dispersion bath therapist.
    Lyn Clifton is a community health social worker prescribing hygienic anthroposophic care for daily life, and providing health and wellbeing supports including compresses, hydrotherapy and rhythmical embrocations.

    Community Event Registration

      Care Kit Workshop - Supporting Healthy Immunity

      All profits from community workshops support young people accessing the Y Project and other community iniativies of Developing the Self Developing the World

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      Health and Wellbeing in our Times
      to Oct 13

      Health and Wellbeing in our Times

      • Mansfield Steiner School (map)
      • Google Calendar ICS

      Health and Wellbeing in our Times
      Through the lens of Anthroposophy - with  Melanie Deefholts

      Parent & Caregiver Information Evening
      Classes 1 - 6 ⎜ Tuesday October 12 @ 7pm

      We will explore the unfolding of the feeling life between 8 to 12 years old as it awakens and becomes independent of the parents and caregivers. The feelings, thoughts and deeds of the community shape a foundation for emotional capacities as adults. What lives in our feeling life in these times? What is the soul-food that can nourish our children’s unfolding development?

      Parent & Caregiver Information Evening
      Classes 7 - 12  ⎜ Wednesday October 13 @ 7pm

      The content is help to recognise the relevant depth and progression anthroposophy brings to this important aspect of life and the responsibility of community in raising children and working together to promote individual wellbeing. We look at how and when we work with children and adolescents to bring the understanding of sexuality and gender in relation to where they are in their consciousness. This brings harmony between the evolving body and inner experiences that sets the ground for healthy adult experience.

      The talk will cover the themes of the content brought to the students and some of the main issues confronting child health and wellbeing in current times, with examples of how we can counter the unbalancing effects. We also address how to understand gender differences and similarities that both limit or free us and the contribution and struggles of the changing social structures around gender and sexuality affecting us all. 

      Classes 7  - 12 

      The program highlights with each class the growth and changes that they are going through. This includes puberty and the physical and emotional changes that go hand in hand over this time. The content is age appropriate for each class. It aims to deepen the young person’s healthy relationship to themselves and encourages greater understanding, mutual respect and compassion for the other members of their class and the school community.

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      Every Sunday-Open Space for Parents & Caregivers
      to Oct 31

      Every Sunday-Open Space for Parents & Caregivers

      Sunday evenings till 9pm

      Drop-in anytime from 7:30pm AEDT

      We are opening the door every Sunday night for live zoom sessions.

      *This group will meet for the last time in 2021 on October 31st *

      Share some human-to-human connection, bring a question, listen in quietness, reaffirm your connection to your Self and replenish so that you can continue to provide a healthy home for those in your care.

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