Home Care Kit - Supporting Healthy Immunity
This two-part online workshop offers a plan towards preventative healthcare and the treatment of illness with self-managed at-home care, and professional anthroposophic therapies.
Health and illness will be discussed from the anthroposophic point of view. This will include constitutional types and the strengthening effect of the immune system on overall health.
Participant numbers are limited to enable questions and interaction and to build confidence in applying at-home care for current needs.
To meet demand, the workshop has been offered a number of times recently and all are now full. More workshops will occur in 2022 and will be announced to all those on the mailing list.
The workshop is by donation; contributions will be used to support future community events by Developing the Self Developing the World.
Home care kit contents will be available for purchase.
Workshop facilitators:
Louise Stewart is a homeopath prescribing anthroposophic remedies, and an oil dispersion bath therapist.
Lyn Clifton is a community health social worker prescribing hygienic anthroposophic care for daily life, and providing health and wellbeing supports including compresses, hydrotherapy and rhythmical embrocations.